AWS Single Sign-On (AWS SSO) is AWS’s workforce identity solution. Our internal mantra is “Identities should be able to come from anywhere and customers should be able to use those identities to gain access to anything”. We provide customers with the ability to associate a directory with AWS or use our Native User Pool, then the customer can assign access to their AWS Accounts and 3rd Party Business Applications in a central place. In addition, end-users of AWS SSO have a central place where they can view and access all of the things they have been assigned access to with our AWS SSO User Portal.
Our team owns the services and data which enables AWS SSO to federate users into their “things” and our public catalog supports hundreds of integrations and we are actively expanding the types of integrations which we support. Our team solves complex technical problems every day, like how to scale our existing data-store to support new integration types without impacting existing external customers and internal teams and evolving AWS Identity Platform at its core to support a more human-centric identity. We also work on new public standards like FastFed.
Our team is customer focused and we understand the need for learning new things to meet our customer’s needs. We actively seek and evaluate learning opportunities and we are always supportive of each other as we all grow. We have a range of talent in the team. Our senior engineers mentor our junior engineers and as our junior engineers grow they start to mentor our new junior engineers.
We strive to be a fun team. Everyone is willing to help. We have one on one ramp up mentorships and our subject matter experts are available and generally nice people. There are weekly/bi-weekly 1:1 opportunities with the manager of the team where we actively mentor on career growth.
You are welcome to work from home occasionally. We see working from home as a useful tool to help with work life balance or just generally focus on something if you’re being distracted in the office.
There is a pager rotation for the team, however we do our best to limit the number of customer impacting events. When we do impact our customers we dive into how we can make this never happen again and we take action to fix it. The team usually gets paged once or twice per week for various reasons. If you’re up until 2am dealing with a customer impacting event then the team will look to help you get sleep by covering your oncall.
The team values diversity. We are happy to have members representing 6 different countries!
Our team owns the services and data which enables AWS SSO to federate users into their “things” and our public catalog supports hundreds of integrations and we are actively expanding the types of integrations which we support. Our team solves complex technical problems every day, like how to scale our existing data-store to support new integration types without impacting existing external customers and internal teams and evolving AWS Identity Platform at its core to support a more human-centric identity. We also work on new public standards like FastFed.
Our team is customer focused and we understand the need for learning new things to meet our customer’s needs. We actively seek and evaluate learning opportunities and we are always supportive of each other as we all grow. We have a range of talent in the team. Our senior engineers mentor our junior engineers and as our junior engineers grow they start to mentor our new junior engineers.
We strive to be a fun team. Everyone is willing to help. We have one on one ramp up mentorships and our subject matter experts are available and generally nice people. There are weekly/bi-weekly 1:1 opportunities with the manager of the team where we actively mentor on career growth.
You are welcome to work from home occasionally. We see working from home as a useful tool to help with work life balance or just generally focus on something if you’re being distracted in the office.
There is a pager rotation for the team, however we do our best to limit the number of customer impacting events. When we do impact our customers we dive into how we can make this never happen again and we take action to fix it. The team usually gets paged once or twice per week for various reasons. If you’re up until 2am dealing with a customer impacting event then the team will look to help you get sleep by covering your oncall.
The team values diversity. We are happy to have members representing 6 different countries!